

My name is Alice Gibbs. Currently in Leicester, UK, I am a film and journalism graduate and am currently studying for a master's degree in Investigative Journalism. I am super into trashy pop culture, the written word and drinking coffee. You can read more about my professional work on my portfolio site here.

Whiskey Jars is the culmination of a number of things. From blogging back in 2012, Whiskey Jars began life as a re-vamp in December 2015 as part of an assignment for my journalism course. I needed to write a blog post and hadn't actually updated a blog in some time. I wrote a film review and began designing a space to put it - the bug caught me again and this space became bigger. My final year at University saw Whiskey Jars fall into the back burner, as my life changed drastically I wasn't sure how to bring WJ with me. However, the freedom that blogging gives me to explore my interests and write about what is happening around me is something that I truly love.

Follow on Bloglovin' here.